Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thru & Through ....Same Thing

When God Is "Through", You will have made it "Through". Let me explain. We go to "Drive Thru" to get Our order placed and received at the end. But some drive off before they "Get It". Do U Get It? You go through the "car wash" to have your car come out clean as an end result. A Butterfly had to go "Through" Metamorphosis even to get his legs & wings. All the while God reminds him of his "potential" as just a Catapillar. In Short (Cause ya'll know I CAN Talk...) The moral of the story is that God Allows us to go through.... to "Get" through. Its hard to see the maze when you sitting in the middle of it. But if you could see ahead you probably would not have the courage to go any further. God is strengthening you to Finish. Brushing you off all the time. Listening to your needs. Dispatching Angels all around you to help you along the way. So after He brings you through, You shall Shine as Pure Gold. And say "Thank You Door" for closing (That was only the season Finale), because it was the end of one Chapter, just to begin the next. God promised to pick you up for another Season of Blessings!!! Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leggo!!!! -SupaDave

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