Monday, April 8, 2013

Ya Just Never Know...

  Guy on his way to his office (owner of a fortune 500 company) and in his daily routine , stops and get a Coffee and a Doughnut from the convenient store. A nice looking lady catches his eye. He recognized he'd saw her the last 4 mornings while get his Coffee and Doughnut. He loved the way she carried herself. A real natural beauty. Guys would try to impress her with elaborate words and slick talk, but she was not impressed. One day the guy the morning off & parked his car at the store where he normally See's her. Afterwards he figured out the route of the bus and got on at the first stop of the bus route uptown. Finally the bus came to her stop. She got on and sat across from his seat. He says hello, how are you? She says fine, thank you. He says "Headed to work huh? She says I'm going to an Interview. He says oh wow, hope you get the job! She says thanks. I'm trying to get my car out of the shop, so I need it. He said I know a company that needs help in your same skill set if you have an extra copy of your resume, I will see what I can do for ya. She said that would be great. As they walked off the Bus he told her to have a great day and he hopes to see her again. She says thanks, me as well. They walked toward the building and toward the same office. Got off the Elevator on the same floor. Went toward the same door. She say wow you work here? He say well you can say that. The Receptionist says "Hello Mr. Grant, you have a 9:00 appointment. He says "When they get here send them right in". As the young lady got to the counter she says "Uhhh... ok Im here to see Mr. Grant?" The receptionist showed her to the office, and the Guy she'd been talking to was the owner of the Company. He says Hello, What a coincidence! Welcome to the company. The Moral of the Story....Ya Juz Never Know! Thanks for Reading! SupaDave

Monday, March 25, 2013

hhgregg NEVER Paid Me

hhgregg... Never Paid Me

They say...that if you want to hide information from people, put the info in a book. I say, if you want the world to know about it...put it on a social network. I’m here to today to tell you that I worked one week for hhgregg around mid January of 2013. My pay was minimum wage. I trained for a sales position or Floor Sales. I have a new found respect for a minimum wage worker. Here in Florida minimum wage is about $7.85. The asst. managers compelling speech on all the pay possibilities and incentives made it well worth the minimum wages. You can make $40k in your 1st year at hhgregg! I shortly found out that I could not effectively execute the position as well as to be expected. I found that walking on concrete floors was detrimental to my lower back. Reluctant to be a quitter, I did not want to resign from the job, but when a job brings you to tears and pain, you have to face reality. I called on the following Tuesday, a day after in which was scheduled to work to tell the assistant manager that I had to resign. He was not there so I text him and explained everything, and he said…. and I quote “It’s ok bro, this job is not cut out for everyone, I understand.” I felt so unencumbered to hear him say that. So the following two weeks I went up to get my last check. The Assistant manager gave me the pay card they issue to employees. As my wife and I drove away, we called to activate and check the balance on the card, the automated message stated “Your balance is $12”. I called the Asst. Manager back and stated to him the card only has $12 on it. We a little laugh and he said no problem, it’s a Saturday...I’ll fix it Monday….all I have to do is call it in and they will immediately fix this. Monday was a Holiday, so he said he will fix it the next day. After numerous texts in which I still have in my phone....It is now March of 2013.  hhgregg NEVER Paid Me. I called hhgregg corporate office to see what they could do...they told me there isn’t anything they can do until he sent in the time card. I told them that is the point! I contacted a few Lawyers offices and they said they couldn’t take the case. Of course not, after I pay for the Lawyers staples, emails, they’re faxes and or calls , I would have ended up back at square one ...“$12.00”.  I started to let it go because it not a whole lot of money. But it’s the principle in this thing. I really looked at this situations as total disrespect or disregard to another man, to not pay him. All I ever wanted to do was make and honest living, Do my music, and own my own Dollar Type Store Chain…. So that I could also help other people get to where I am. I have a child and wife to provide for. When big companies show you all the “Code of Ethics” videos and stress to you how important they are, yet they step on the little guy...Makes you wonder how they got to be the “Big Corporation” in the First place. It actually cost me more money to work for hhgregg than I made.  I’m Hurt...But God said He will make your enemies your footstool. The battle is not mine...It’s the Lords. I trust You Lord!

Help Me Share This Story And Stop Big Corporations like “hhgregg” from stepping on the Honest Americans In This Country!... I’m David D. Evans Jr.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thru & Through ....Same Thing

When God Is "Through", You will have made it "Through". Let me explain. We go to "Drive Thru" to get Our order placed and received at the end. But some drive off before they "Get It". Do U Get It? You go through the "car wash" to have your car come out clean as an end result. A Butterfly had to go "Through" Metamorphosis even to get his legs & wings. All the while God reminds him of his "potential" as just a Catapillar. In Short (Cause ya'll know I CAN Talk...) The moral of the story is that God Allows us to go through.... to "Get" through. Its hard to see the maze when you sitting in the middle of it. But if you could see ahead you probably would not have the courage to go any further. God is strengthening you to Finish. Brushing you off all the time. Listening to your needs. Dispatching Angels all around you to help you along the way. So after He brings you through, You shall Shine as Pure Gold. And say "Thank You Door" for closing (That was only the season Finale), because it was the end of one Chapter, just to begin the next. God promised to pick you up for another Season of Blessings!!! Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leggo!!!! -SupaDave

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jesus Hold'em

At request of My Good Brother Shaun Duncan, imma break down this Game Called Poker.
             In Poker, you are at a Table with 5 or more Folks That came for the sole purpose to take all the money in your pocket. In this Game You have to put your TRUST in a possible LIE. You have to act as though you have the Flush or Hand of a Lifetime. When in actuality, you may have a hand full of nothing. MY winning hand doesn't come from whether or not another person has a good hand or NOT. I serve a God that will allow my hand and yours to be GREAT. God is just that Powerful. I serve a God where at the end of the night everyone Still is able to go home and pay the rent to the rent man or Mortgage to the Financial Institution. I serve a God where it doesnt matter who LIES and BLUFFS and use smoke and mirrors. I still know that I have the Victory. I still know who has ME. I never have to FOLD cause I play JESUS HOLD'EM. When My hand is dealt...Oh yeah I CALL on JESUS and RAISE my dirty ole hands and say Lord no matter what i or anyone has done, YOU WILL FORGIVE. I'm not worried about a BACKDOOR hand, Cause He keeps his Angels camped around me protecting me from all hurt harm and danger. JESUS had 12 people around Him that others did not feel they were worthy of His Presence. But He told them " Itz not the Healthy that needs a Doctor, its the Sick." When I see someone who needs the Lord, I Play "Jesus Hold'em"! And Jesus will.... Hold'em.

Friday, June 1, 2012

We have to learn to "Shut Up" & STOP Complaining. There is someone somewhere dying literally to be in your little predicament. God WILL NEVER put more on us than we can bare. Though sometimes it seems like a lot, the previous storm prepared us for the current storm. So we get stronger with every storm. God is only preparing us for greater things. Be Thankful...... Be Blessed. -SupaDave

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Can U See You?

Can You See You? Not what U think you see in the mirror. And not what some negative ninja says you are. But can U see How God Sees you? When God looks at His Children He sees something wonderfully made. He sees a Wonderful Parent. He sees Business owners, Graduates, Teachers, Inspirational Speakers. But most people have already taken the failure pill. Already given up. Thrown in the towel. Listen, it ain't over until God Says Its over. U have a Birth Date and a Death Date....But what you do with the Dash in between... is up to you. Make the dash count. Don't worry what folk whisper. They only whisper cause' they don't have the Guts to say it to you. Walkbyfaith! Dee