Sunday, December 11, 2011

Shake It Off....

There's A Story about a Man and his mule. The mule would plow and mind his business everyday all day. One day the devil said "that mule is just to happy and positive, lets set him up to fall in this hole". Sure enough, the mule plowed and fell into the hole the devil set him up for him. The man looked for the mule and finally found him in the hole. He had no way of getting the mule out, so he decided to bury him in the hole that he fell in. The man got his shovel and began to bury the mule alive. He turned his back and started shoveling. 5mins went by and the man noticed that the mule had been shakin' the dirt off and packing it under his feet. Low and behold the more dirt thrown on his back, the more he would rise. I say this to say let the devils continue to throw dirt...and you continue to shake it off and pack it under your feet. They talk mess, you rise. They try to kill your character, you rise. They do little things to try and hurt your feelings, you rise. Because God said if you've done unto the least of've done it unto me. So when trouble/strife is camped in their lives and won't leave, they should'nt wonder why. They should just remember how they treat Gods children. Mymamaprays4meallthetime! And It Workz...cause' I still got Joy!

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